From utopian to practical projects
26-27 Sep 2024 Bordeaux (France)


Based on the ANR SAPS FabLab More project, the fourth edition of the "Knowledge and Information in Action" symposium will bring together researchers and players not only from FabLabs, but also from other types of third-places, which share the same values linked to the knowledge and digital commons, open science and technologies, and digital craftsmanship, and which rely on socio-technical devices linked to projects mobilizing digital technologies in a collaborative intelligence perspective. In particular, the symposium addresses the environmental, societal and social responsibilities behind the use of spaces and technologies. It focuses on local and remote communities of practice, and the chain of mediation and intermediation players, based on robust, identified manufacturing territories. The title evokes "fabulists" in reference to all actors in these spaces, whatever their status (including "users", trainees, transient learners), the length of their stay and the modalities of their activities in FabLabs, or even in other spaces of the same type. The colloquium will involve researchers from the humanities and social sciences, the digital sciences and engineering, as well as those involved in scientific, digital, documentary or technical mediation.




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